Live longer when you become a nonsmoker using hypnosis. The US Lung association says, “Tobacco is the only legal product that causes death and disability when used as intended. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.” Read the entire study.
You are a very intelligent person. You know the statistics. You’ve heard that there are over 4,800 chemicals in cigarette smoke, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. You know that one in five Americans die from smoking related diseases. 438,000 Americans will die from smoking this year alone. That’s more than the world trade center coming down 130 times. Can you imagine that?
If you were looking for the deadliest habit in the world to take up, you’ve chosen the very best one! But of course that’s not what you wanted. That’s why you are here today. You want to quit smoking once and for all, before you die from it, before you become just another statistic on a spreadsheet.
Could this be you?
Use your imagination. There are two objects hovering directly in front of you. On the left side is a pack of cigarettes and on the right is a glass of water. You see them very clearly. You see yourself reaching for the cigarettes, and as you touch them, your life immediately flashes before your eyes and 14 years are unnaturally stripped away.
Many of the years left are filled with poor health and medical procedures. You flash through time and fully experience the consequences of our choice. You are in and out of hospitals, feeling sharp pains in your chest. It is so tight. You can barely breathe as you gasp for air. People in masks are poking and prodding you. You’re afraid.
You flash ahead to your funeral. It takes place on a day when a joyful family celebration would have occurred. That celebration never takes place. Instead, loved ones are mourning their loss as they stand next to your coffin. They are relieved that your suffering (and theirs) is over.
One by one, shaking their heads, people comment on how you smoked until the bitter end and how smoking meant more to you than your family. You overhear children talking and saying they didn't really know you. You were always too tired to do anything and all that coughing and hacking, it was pretty gross. Time and time again you hear people recalling more about your illness than they recall about you and who you really are. You are now remembered as that relative or friend who died from smoking.
The Change Occurs
You step back and shudder at the magnitude and implications of the grim future that flashed before you. Your resolve crystallizes and you vow never again to reach for a pack of cigarettes; not a single cigarette, purchased or bummed from a stranger or friend; not a butt from an ashtray. You reject this unnatural life with your entire being.
You reach for the glass of water and instantly your full, natural life that was always intended for you flashes before your eyes. This life is filled with health and vitality. Your breathing, energy and stamina are restored. You share many joyous years with your loved ones, beyond the shortened vision you saw before. The relationships in your life are closer and healthier. No fatigue, poor health, bad smell, hacking cough or need to step away can come between you and anyone in your life. You are restored.
A Better Outcome - Live Longer
You smile brightly at this intended version of your life and you drink the water completely down. Each and every time you reach for, and drink, a glass of water, you will feel rejuvenated and your commitment to a long and healthy smoke-free life will strengthen. Every glass of water you drink will remind you that you choose life. Every drink of water will cleanse the impurities of smoking from your body and bring life to your cells.
I want you to realize that you have made it. You have become free of that old, unwanted smoking habit in time to reverse the damage. By freeing yourself of that tobacco poison, you are giving your body the ability to repair itself and by doing so, you will find yourself gaining back lost years and live longer and healthier.
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