Hypnosis Can Help
Improve the Way You Live
Hypnosis has proven to be the most effective method to quit smoking. Pills, patches and gums work with your body to try and have you stop smoking. Hypnosis works with your mind which is where the smoking habit has been conditioned from the time you were a teenager. For more information about how you can stop smoking with hypnosis, visit the Stop Smoking with Hypnosis page.
Losing weight with hypnosis is easy. As you know, diets are not long lasting because they deprive you of food and have you constantly thinking about food. Using hypnosis, we can reprogram your mind to eat healthy and to exercise. I have seen firsthand how hypnosis can help people lose weight. I lost 25lbs in 3 months and have kept it off for 2 years! I have changed the way I eat and hypnosis fortifies my positive approach to healthy food.
To read about my weight loss journey, click here. To learn more about how to lose weight with hypnosis, click hypnosis for healthy eating and weight loss.
Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. Usually anxiety is attached to an emotion that is triggered by an event. Often, anxiety begins with a traumatic event that gets stored in your subconscious mind. Using hypnosis, you can find and release those negative emotions. For more information on how hypnosis can help with anxiety, click the hypnosis for anxiety page.
Fears and phobias can hold you back from living a full life. Many people have fear of flying or driving over bridges or speaking in front of an audience. Some fears are more restrictive like claustrophobia or fear of leaving home. These fears and phobias are caused by a past event. With hypnosis, these events can be dealt with and your mind reprogrammed to eliminate the fear altogether. For more information, go to the hypnosis for fears and phobias page/
Are you a good golfer who just can't win tournaments? Do you feel like you don't compete like you should? Do you just want to enjoy golf more without getting angry and frustrated? Hypnosis is a great way to change your mindset when playing golf. The Mental Golf Program gives you techniques which will help your improve your golf scores and includes hypnosis to solidly change your game. Check out the page to find out more.